I nearly hit a cat the other day. It was late, around dusk, and I was driving down a small, unused road - completely lost. My focus was on finding where I'd gone wrong and correcting my route. I didn't see the little black cat until it was nearly too late. Thankfully, I was able to slam on the breaks. Both the cat and I are fine. It made me consider how easy it is to have an accident like that. So, just a friendly reminder: watch out when you're driving. They'll thank you for it.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, Barney's (from How I Met Your Mother) terrifying less-than-near-fatal encounter with a dog in the middle of the road:
Animal Rescue Online (or ARO), is a blog dedicated to homeless animals and finding them, well, a home; however, while that is my main goal, this site also features general pet news and posts. If you would like to write for ARO, please read this post.
Spud is classified by the ASPCA Canineality program as a Go Getter. This means his "Let’s GO! lifestyle will keep you motivated to get outside and move. [He has] tons of energy; and just like the sun, [he's] burning and working 24 hours a day, seven days a week. [He'll] run for miles, chase a ball for hours, and still want to play at the end of the day." 1
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