Adopt a Senior: Menunu

Menunu is a six-year-old black & white male cat located at the ASPCA headquarters in New York City, New York. His age makes it harder for him to find a home, because most adopters are looking for younger cats or kittens. However, that doesn't mean he wouldn't be a wonderful addition to your home! Kori Irons writes, "I've found with senior cats, the affect on the household has been less than with the adoption of a kitten."

There are things to consider before adopting a senior animal, however. "They are more used to routine and set in their ways and you may notice a despondency that isn't obvious with a younger cat."

The ASPCA Feline-ality program has categorized Menunu as a Sidekick. This means he's good company; he loves attention, but he also likes some alone time. I can relate.

Find out more about Menunu at the ASPCA website!

Update: ASPCA Blog has featured Menunu!